Explore the shift from a performance-based society to a value-driven community, the role of artificial intelligence in the context of leadership, and the importance of ethics, happiness, and digital progress for personal and professional fulfillment.
Have You Been Lucky? How Ethics and Values Contribute to Happiness and Digital Progress
5 min
February 7, 2024

Have you ever wondered why people often judge and devalue themselves? The associated need to "put yourself up there" in order to feel better is a consequence of the times.
It has a lot to do with our performance-driven society, in which it seems normal to be in a competition of superlatives. The consequences of the constant pressure to grow are reflected in the precarious state of health of many people and nature.
I would like to emphasize at this point that performance and determination are important parameters for achieving goals. But let's be honest: aren't people many times more productive when they find meaning and joy in their work?
It is also important to examine the extent to which personal, organizational, and social goals make a real contribution to a fairer and more humanistic world. These are the values of the new age by which success can be measured.
From a Performance-Based Society to a Community of Values
We are therefore at a turning point where "the fastest and the highest" are no longer the measure of all things. Many people are longing for more harmony and balance in harmony with nature. They feel that their current life - in step with their obligations - often does not bring them the fulfillment they are striving for.
The individual search for happiness has been developing into a collective search for some years now. There are exciting initiatives with the question: "How do we want to live?" For example, Futurium, an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is again offering an exciting program around this central question this year. In a recent survey by Statista, the most important goals and values of the people surveyed included good friends, close relationships with other people, and self-determination (Lohmeier, 2024).
How Artificial Intelligence Makes Leadership Easier
Let us now focus on our working lives. If people are already wishing for Friday on Monday, then this is a clear sign that they are unable to contribute their skills and talents in a constructive working environment. Many people are not even aware of where their talents and strengths lie. In my publication “Internationale Talententwicklung in der digitalen Arbeitswelt” ("International talent development in the digital world of work"), I have already pointed out that talent development should not just be about searching for "the best", but above all about searching for "the best in each individual". Every person has very special abilities. Recognizing these and pursuing them is first and foremost the personal responsibility of each individual.
However, people develop their self-image in dialog with their environment. Interpersonal interactions therefore make a significant contribution to recognizing and developing one's potential. In working life, developing the talent and potential of employees is one of the main tasks of a manager. However, this is where we encounter a serious problem, as many managers complain about a lack of time to fulfill their actual management tasks.
This is where artificial intelligence technologies can provide excellent support. Taking over monotonous, complex, and recurring tasks creates valuable time for strategic tasks, communication, and creativity. Imagine if you, as a manager, could simply delegate certain unpleasant tasks and thus gain more time. AI systems also help you with the targeted personnel and talent development of your employees, for example by creating talent and skills profiles, which makes it easier to personalize training measures and plan careers in a more targeted manner.
On the Way to a New Human History
However, the positive synergies in the collaboration between man and machine only unfold their true potential if they are based on a value-based and ethically responsible approach, where security and data protection issues are taken into account. With all digitalization trends, it should be noted that people are at the heart of everything that happens. Sven H. Korndörffer (2024) also clarifies in his latest publication that there is still a need for action here. He puts it very aptly that everyone talks about the value chain and forgets the value chain. His plea is: "Leadership needs empathy. Leadership needs attitude!".
We are on the way to a new human history. Do you also feel the fascination and the spirit of discovery? We are lucky to be living in such exciting times of digital developments that have a profound impact on all levels of social life.
What's more, in a value-orientated working environment in which each individual fully develops their personal potential and uses the new possibilities offered by AI technologies, it is possible to achieve far more than is imaginable. Let yourself be inspired by the new technological possibilities on the basis of an appreciative management culture and experience the added value for your company or organisation.
Would you like to gain more insights into the topic of leadership in connection with artificial intelligence? Then you are welcome to visit our future congress: "Leadership and Artificial Intelligence" in a free online format.
Find further information and registration here.

Futurium (2024): Programm zum Thema: Wie wollen wir leben? https://futurium.de/uploads/documents/FUT_Programmflyer_JAN-MAR24_RZ_WEBII.pdf
Lohmeier, L. (2024): Umfrage in Deutschland zu wichtigen Lebensaspekten, Zielen und Werten bis 2023. https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/170820/umfrage/als-besonders-wichtig-erachtete-aspekte-im-leben/
Korndörffer, S.H. (2024): Die Wertschätzungskette: Warum wir uns Chefs ohne Empathie nicht leisten können. Berlin: Econ.
Piéch, S. (2023): Erfolg durch hybride Teams. FORUM Magazin. 4/2023.
Piéch, S. (2020): Internationale Talententwicklung in der digitalen Arbeitswelt. Wiesbaden: SpringerGabler, 3. edition planned 2024.
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