Dr. Sylke Piéch

2 min

February 7, 2024

Welcome to the Frontnow AI Experts series, where we introduce prominent individuals from industry and academia who are set to provide their expert insight for Frontnow readers. These individuals are not just observers of the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence but are active participants and shapers of its future.

Jeanette Hepp

Dr. Sylke Piéch is an expert on artificial intelligence in the context of leadership, work, and education. She is head of the "Akademie für Leadership und Digitaltransfer, ADi," and works as a researcher and division manager: AI & Leadership at the "Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, DFKI". Previously, she worked for many years as Director of the Institute for Leadership and Human Resources Management at the "Internationale Akademie Berlin", founded at the Freie Universität Berlin. The core topics of her work are leadership and team development, digital leadership, human-robot collaboration, change management, digital ethics, and talent management in times of digital change.

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